The Frontier Development Program for Genome Editing


On Saturday, November 16th, 2024, the Citizens' Seminar was held online by the Frontier Development Program for Genome Editing at Hiroshima University, with the theme "Current Status and Prospects of Genome Editing"; more than 80 individuals attended. The goal of the seminar was to disseminate information about genome editing research and share information on genome editing with the broader society to further promote social acceptance of this technology.
At the beginning of the seminar, an outline of the Frontier Development Program for Genome Editing was provided by the program coordinator, Professor YAMAMOTO Takashi. In the seminar, Ms. MATSUNAGA Waki, a science journalist, gave a lecture entitled "Why do people have concerns about genome editing technologies? The significance and challenges of risk communication." Based on her interviews, she discussed the public's reaction to genome-edited foods and focused on the importance of continuously providing accurate information and building trust through two-way communication to further promote public understanding of this technology. Following her lecture, five students from the Frontier Development Program for Genome Editing presented their research projects, which provided insight into their future research.

Program Introduction Lecture
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Student Presentation
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